Written by: Mara Tepavac and April Hsieh
We had the pleasure of meeting virtually with Dr. Kelly Lee for our mentorship session. Dr. Lee completed her Doctor of Optometry at Waterloo, then completed a residency in vision therapy, rehabilitation, and pediatrics at Pacific University in Oregon, and she is now the owner and founder of Tonic Eye Care & Vision Therapy located in Toronto.
We had a great discussion with Dr. Lee about what to consider when deciding to do a residency, and she provided a lot of great insight on her experience with her residency. She told us that residency was one of the best things she did, and that she highly recommends residency to any student wanting to learn more about a specific subfield within optometry. She also shared her experience doing a residency in the States and the application process which was very enlightening.
Dr. Lee shared that she started out working as an associate before opening her practice, and that she gained a lot of valuable experience and knowledge during this time, which made for an easier transition into opening her own practice. Dr. Lee opened her practice cold, and she had a lot of valuable advice for us regarding this route to owning your own practice.
Overall, we had an excellent conversation with Dr. Lee and it was a very eye opening and enjoyable experience! We left our meeting with a lot of valuable insight and we got a lot out of our mentorship session!